Since 1956

The Glen Echo

Since 1956

The Glen Echo

Since 1956

The Glen Echo

Richard Gueren

Richard Gueren

September 3, 2014
Senior Editor-in-Chief
Students have been pushed to study for college-entrance exams, but recent reports of sweeping changes to the SAT call into question whether the test is necessary in the first place.

A growing number of testy students

by Richard Gueren, Managing Editor April 20, 2014

GLEN ROCK, N.J. – On the morning of Saturday March 8, 2014, high school students all across the country gathered to take the most important exam of their life.  But how did it get to this point: kids...

Glen Rock Board of Education Offices are attached to the high school building, a little known facet to students.

The School Budget Report

by Frank Connor, Business Manager April 9, 2014

GLEN ROCK, N.J. – Frank Manziano, high school business teacher, stood with his back to his waiting class, his antiquated laptop refusing to perform the simple task of loading a two-minute video. For...

Students reach out to help those in need.

Two Students on a Mission

by Frank Connor, Business Manager January 13, 2014

The charitable spirit of Glen Rock High School is expanded yet again with the creation of the Youth Ambassadors Club. Sophomores Kevin Connor and Mathew Isaac have taken it upon themselves to help those...

In-depth: The bankruptcy of MF Global, indicating troubles of ‘risky business’

by Richard Gueren, Managing Editor November 10, 2013

As Halloween arrived for some, the US futures industry celebrated the two year anniversary of the death of MF Global.  MF Global, a major global financial commodities broker, filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy...

The US territory of Puerto Rico is in financial trouble.

Puerto Rico: Caught in the Crosshairs

by Richard Gueren, Managing Editor October 29, 2013

Puerto Rico, an island with warm weather and a lovely climate, is caught in the middle of a debt crisis.  But why would the United States care about this development in the global economy? Puerto Rico’s...

Dont be concerned over the Government shutdown -- as Frank Connor suggests, it might be a good thing.

The government shutdown: Have you noticed?

by Frank Connor, Business Manager October 6, 2013

Here we are, just a few days after the Federal shut down, and still standing. We haven’t been invaded, no planes have fallen out of the sky, and we all still have to get up for school every morning. 800,000...

Europes Delayed Comeback

Europe’s Delayed Comeback

by Richard Gueren, Managing Editor October 1, 2013

Europe, a beautiful continent rich with history, is poised for a gradual economic recovery in the months ahead.  That is good news since the GDP of the European Union is bigger than that of the US or...

An All-American Club, Literally

An All-American Club, Literally

by Richard Gueren, Managing Editor September 26, 2013

If you are looking to experience different aspects of American life, you should join the All-American Club.  The club will attempt to introduce other aspects of American life in order to make you a well-rounded...

Courtney Schmitt is bringing back the Glen Rock High School Annual Blood Drive next week.

Blood Everywhere

by Frank Connor, Business Manager September 26, 2013

Every two seconds someone in the United States needs blood, but Glen Rock High School is helping to ease the pressing need for blood suggested by this statistic. On Monday, September 30th, Glen Rock High...

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