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Since 1956

The Glen Echo

Since 1956

The Glen Echo

Since 1956

The Glen Echo

Money Can’t Buy You Happiness

by Bella Ranieri, Staff Writer June 19, 2018

The state of being happy- happiness. We all aspire for different things in life. For some people it’s to be successful, have a stable income, and be happy (at least that's mine). But, others just think...

The Dark is Scary

by Bella Ranieri, Staff Writer June 19, 2018

It’s 11:30 you’ve just come home from a horror movie with your friends. You’re sitting in the dark trying to go to sleep but then your thoughts take over. That monster is crawling up beside you as...

Zack happy taking in some fresh air.

Next stop: the fight

June 13, 2018

Think back to the time when you were three years old. You refuse to stop talking as you’re trying to expand your vocabulary with the words you hear around you. You’re wearing that cute flannel grandma...

Junior reflects on committing to college when freshman for lacrosse

by Bella Ranieri, Staff Writer February 15, 2018

When we’re younger, sports and extra activities our parents signed us up for were all fun and games. Sometime we’d fall in love with the activity, and other times it might just lead us to try something...

Kim Hayes poses in front of Spanish 4 Honors Diego Rivera Project in the media center. 09/25/17

District brings in new media specialist

by Bella Ranieri, Staff Writer September 26, 2017

Glen Rock High School welcomed a new Media Center Specialist this September, filling the vacancy from last year. Kim Hayes, the new Media Center Specialist, plans to do a lot of technology training...

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