Fall Athlete of the Year

by Stella Traphagen, Sports Editor

The Glen Echo is happy to announce the official Fall Athlete of the Year: Senior Fiona Reilly. 

After moving to Glen Rock, Reilly’s goal was to make the 3rd grade Shooting Stars A team, as she walked across the street to Faber field for her tryout, Reilly’s mother called out: “leave it all out on the field, no regrets”. Reilly remained composed, as she knew this was her chance to show everyone what she was made of. Her hair up in a high ponytail, her cleats and shin guards strapped on, she marched onto the field. Nobody could get in her head that day, it was strictly her time to prove herself worthy.

And that she did. 

Reilly received the call that she made the ‘A team’ later that week. Ever since she heard the news, she has shown extreme determination and tenacity. Her hard work paid off when Reilly was chosen to be one of three to captain this past season. From the numerous club teams, to her four years on varsity, she has made a huge impact on her teammates.

She came onto varsity as a defender and ended as a defensive midfielder. The coach needed her to switch because of the lack of players and without hesitation: she adapted to her new spot. She took advice from others and also gave it. 

“Being a part of the team is more than just getting on the field and kicking the ball around,” Reilly said. “We grew into a family.” 

The midfielder has been a strong voice for mentoring and guiding underclassmen onto the team and closing the gap between the older and younger players. 

“The best part about being a captain was being able to advise players on and off the field,” Reilly said.

This season, she scored an amazing seven goals and had a whopping eight assists. Reilly is known to be the type of player that never gives up by her fellow teammates and coach.

Throughout her time on varsity, she has proven to be a reliable player, especially in pressured situations. She would think back to what her mom said before the Shooting Stars try out to get her in the right headspace before games. She entered what turned into her last game similar to how she started, with her hair up in a high pony, flashy pink pre-wrap and her captain band around her arm.

“I’ve always felt as though soccer was sort of like my escape from the real world and everything going on in my personal life. I wouldn’t trade my last few years playing soccer for anything.”