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Since 1956

The Glen Echo

Since 1956

The Glen Echo

Since 1956

The Glen Echo

Speculations on Rap and Poetry

by F. Timothy Mountain, Writer April 25, 2014

As somebody who is deeply passionate about literature, as broad a topic as that may be, I am an advocate of poetry in all forms. However, nowadays, there seems to be a considerable amount of controversy...


by F. Timothy Mountain, Lead Satirist April 9, 2014

Art. Art is a beautiful thing. Everybody loves art in some medium, be it a painting, a piece of literature, a sculpture, a movie, a song, the exterior of a can of Arizona® Iced Tea, a work of journalism,...

Proposal Inflation

by F. Timothy Mountain, Lead Satirist March 20, 2014

As of recent, I have noticed a phenomenon occurring in our school, which parallels some of the central dogmas of economics. Students of economics (and the majority of other people) are very familiar with...

A new season for makeup

A new season for makeup

by Marisa Kobylowski, Staff Writer March 14, 2014

As spring slowly approaches, there are already new fun spring colors coming out especially in the makeup industry.  As we make our transformation from the winter darks to the spring bright and pastel...

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