Teacher of the week: Ms. Yancy
Photo Credit: Ms. Yancy
Ms. Yancy teaching her English class a new topic. She loves to share knowledge with her students.
December 20, 2018
A hardworking, enthusiastic teacher, Ms. Yancy is passionate about what she does. She teaches English 9, English 10, and English 10 advanced. This is her 3rd year teaching. This week, she has become the first recipient of The Glen Echo’s new Teacher of the Week award. Teacher of the Week plans to showcase a different teacher, selected by a general group of students for going above and beyond at their job.
Ms. Yancy loves to get to know the students in her classes. She enjoys having discussions and debates with them. Another aspect of teaching that she enjoys is learning from her students and the insightful things they always have to say.
“I get to see how you guys see the world… You guys are growing in my class, and I am also growing as a person and as a teacher,” Yancy said.
She has always loved every part of English. It is through her eyes one of the most practical and unique classes offered in a school district.
She said, “You learn lessons in these classes that you’re going to take with you.” English has always been one of her passions, and that is shown through her strong lessons and friendly manner.

Ms. Yancy snacking on poutine while she adventures in Quebec, Canada. She has an interest in travel, and has been to several countries.
Outside of school, she loves to travel and take on any adventure that comes her way. She’s been to Italy, Ireland, Quebec, and Mexico, and that is just to name a few. In addition, she comes from an Italian family that has made her who she is today.
Ms. Yancy’s family has deeply influenced her. “They’ve made me tough, but they’ve also made me compassionate, friendly, and welcoming,” Yancy said.
Within school, she likes to get herself very involved. She has been the middle school girls soccer coach and has now moved up to the JV girls soccer coach. In addition, she is an advisor for the class of 2020. She likes to volunteer for a lot of events, including concerts and school dances. Often, she’ll go to other sports games just to show support for Glen Rock.

Ms. Yancy chaperoning for a school dance at Glen Rock High School. She is also an advisor for the class of 2020 and a JV girls’ soccer coach.
“That’s who I am as a person. I’ll throw myself 100% into everything I do,” Yancy said.
Yancy has adjusted well into Glen Rock for the 3 years that she has been here. She tries her best every day to fulfill the expectations of her students and teach them all she knows about English.
Congratulations, Ms. Yancy!