Students brought the heat at Coffee House

by Zach McCollum, Opinion & Editorial Editor

Students read original poetry, played music, and pounded coffee at Coffee House this past Thursday, April 30.

The event was held in the school cafeteria as always, and attracted an exceptionally voluminous crowd.

Members of Mobius, the high school’s literary magazine, did everything in their power to make sure the night was a smashing success. With a member of at least every grade performing all kinds of music and poetry, each and every member of the audience made an effort to dance and cheer as much as possible.

“I thought that Coffee House went wonderfully,” said Mobius editor-in-chief David Merkle. “There was a great audience; it was really fun!”

The audience was particularly rowdy at this coffee house, in fact, one performer, Harrison Gale managed to receive a standing ovation for her performance of the “The Hamilton Mixtape”. Standing ovations are a rare occurrence at Coffee House because the event is much more acoustic than shows like Glen Stock and the Holiday Jam.

Some other performers included Darby Major and Justin McCollum, Drew Coll, Gabby Piela, Kyle O’Connell and Sam Halpert Rodis with original slam poetry, Blythe Owen and Delaine Karcanes, the full bands Bad Susan and Speak Easy, and many more.

Even Ms. Allen, an English teacher, came out to play a piano medley consisting of a classical piece and an original rendition of “Pompeii” by Bastille.

“Ms. Allen is very into Coffee House, and it’s always a pleasure to have her,” Merkle said “she’s done her little piano mashups since she got here.”

The poetry aspect of Coffee House allows students within Mobius and outside the club to share their poetry out loud to an audience. This gives students a chance to read their poetry as they intended, using any tone they like.

“Anybody can submit writing to Mobius just like anyone can read poetry at Coffee House,” said Mobius member and senior Sam Halpert Rodis.

Officially being the seniors’ last Coffee House, Mobius made an extra effort to make sure the night went especially well.

“This was the best coffee house ever,” said Merkle “and it was my last one and every senior’s last one, so I wanted to make it really good and we did. I’m very proud of Mobius!”