On Saturday, September 26th, our girl’s volleyball team defeated the Bogota Buccaneers in a huge 2-0 victory. This win was extra special to the Panthers as it was only Glen Rock’s second time beating them.
According to first-year head coach, Alexa Nie, the game was extremely close. She worked tirelessly, alongside coach Walters, to prepare the girls for the game.
“We just worked on playing a lot and having a lot of repetition in practice. Working on longer points and endurance…” Nie commented.
The game’s proximity caused a lot of tension between the teams and viewers in the stands. Some parents felt so strongly about the referee’s judgment that they had to be escorted out of the gym. However, this didn’t affect the girls and they “stayed strong” as stated by Nie. She also mentioned how intense the game was but both the coaches and the team had confidence in themselves.
“Any moment where we got down in the score, we were able to come together as a team and really work together. So I don’t think there were [any moments of panic]”.
As of now the girls stand 15-1 and are expected to continue their winning streak as the season progresses.
“It felt good,” stated Nie. “It was a good team and moral win where the whole team really came [and worked] together… There were no individuals.”