Everybody knows that Thanksgiving is one of the most exciting holidays of the year, as the whole family can come together and be grateful for each other. However, that does not mean that all of Thanksgiving is good, as for all excitement, there are some truly mediocre and even bad pastimes that are carried on every fourth Thursday of November. Without further ado, here is the good, the bad, and the mid of Thanksgiving.
Let’s start with the worst parts of Thanksgiving. An obvious trap to stay away from is Green Bean Casserole. Ranked the fourth most disliked Thanksgiving food, this bland disaster has somehow remained a staple of Thanksgiving despite the widespread dislike. Moving on from food, a classic Thanksgiving disaster that we all dread but know is simply inevitable – somebody bringing up politics at the dinner table. Why? Nobody wants to discuss the upcoming election or whatever recent political events are going on, yet without fail every year it happens. Worst of all, if you say the wrong thing, you may risk taking a blindside hit during your friendly game of family football. However, the worst part of Thanksgiving, even worse than green bean casseroles and unwarranted political discussions is coleslaw. This creamy, bitter, and oddly tangy disgrace has somehow become synonymous with Thanksgiving.
There are several parts of Thanksgiving that are neither good, nor bad, just simply okay. For example, the Dog Show and the Macy’s Day Parade are both mid for the same reasons. They are fun Thanksgiving traditions that are always on the TV, but is anyone ever really watching either of these events? They’re nice to have on in the background, but not something you’ll ever find yourself invested in. Returning to food, this might ruffle sea feathers, but Turkey is one of the most mid parts of Thanksgiving. I know it’s the start of Thanksgiving, but let’s be honest, outside of Thanksgiving nobody is really eating turkey. It’s dry and bland, but it’s not bad and can be improved with some gravy.
Now, what we’ve all been waiting for – the best of the best of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is one of the more food-centered Holidays, and that’s for good reason because there are some truly elite Thanksgiving foods. The best of the Thanksgiving foods have to be Pumpkin Pie, Cranberry Sauce, and stuffing. Pumpkin Pie is the perfect desert with its great texture and perfect balance of sweetness. Cranberry sauce is the perfect complement, with a perfect mix of sweet and tangy that can inject some life into any food. As for stuffing, although I don’t quite know what stuffing is, it is consistently the best savory dish at Thanksgiving each and every year. But even better than the food, is the people that you’re with, especially getting to see THE cousins. Whenever you’re with these cousins you know it’s going to be fun. It’s truly the highlight of Thanksgiving, as these cousins can make even the most boring parts of Thanksgiving fun. But the one and only thing that stands above all the rest, even beating out seeing the cousins, is the most known Thanksgiving tradition – pulling the wishbone. This is the pinnacle of Thanksgiving, and you have to make sure you come out on top. Breaking the wishbone is the perfect mix between a fun Holiday tradition and a competitive contest. Nothing can top the pure excitement of breaking off the larger part of the wishbone.