The Boston Trip in a Nutshell

by Lilian Kim, Freelance Writer


Part 1 of the Boston trip features the city of Salem, the city best known for the widely known witch trials in 1692. The sophomores visited Salem Witch Museum, being educated on the history of those who were tried, as well as the changing image of witches in popular culture. Students would later be let free to walk for an hour to eat lunch. 

Seven Gables House

The Salem Witch Museum was only one half of Day 1. The day wouldn’t be concluded without taking a trip to the House of Seven Gables. The residence was the exact house that inspired Hawthorne’s gothic novel, The House of Seven Gables. It was built in 1668 for John Turner, later being remodeled by John Turner II. Ownership would be given to John Turner III, but would be given ownership to the Ingersoll family after losing the family fortune. Susannah Ingersoll would remodel the house to make it more accurate to the description from the book, the current model of the house made museum. 

Fenway Park

Day 2 started with an exclusive tour of Fenway Park. Built in 1901, 30 years after the founding of the National Baseball League, Boston was the home of baseball. Students would learn of the history, and the many teams and baseball players like the Red Sox, Yankees, and famous baseball player Babe Ruth. For free Sophomores got to sit in the “Monster seats” for the cost of nothing, something that gives a spectacular view of the stadium, something that would normally cost $45-$500. We would also get to see the
Bresh Box, the area for broadcasting. They would even reveal the rooftop garden that provided fresh produce to the restaurants inside the park. The tour would also come with an unintentional showcase of how they clean the stadium.


The thing that many sophomores looked forward to the most was dinner on a three-hour cruise trip. Students would enjoy a buffet-style dinner and a dance floor to rock out to music provided by the D.J. If it was too overwhelming, the deck gave a refreshing breeze and a pretty view of the city of Boston, a perfect place to take stunning photos as night would fall while riding at sea. 

Old North Church

The sophomores on the final day in Boston would briefly visit the Old North Church as a quick stop. This is the location where the famous “One if by land, two if by sea” signal is said to have been sent. A brief history of the building of the Church was given before students would be taken there way to visit the USS Constitution. 

USS Constitution

After a long drive students were allowed to enter and explore the USS Constitution Museum. There wasn’t a tour, so students were free to just explore the place as a few teachers would do their best to teach the history of the ship. 

Quincy Market

Despite just being a stop for lunch, the Quincy Market was full of both shops and food stops. From several options for food like seafood, Asian cuisine, Mexican cuisine, and other foods, the place was also filled with cute stalls selling toys, jewelry, art, and more. Students could also explore other shops around the market that sold things like clothing and comics. 

Boston Tea Party Museum

The last stop of the adventure in Boston was the Boston Tea Party Museum. The museum welcomed everyone with the reenactment of angry patriots, letting students feel like they were back in 1773. Dumping crates of tea and telling history in a first-person narrative, the Boston Tea Party was quite a way to end a journey in Boston. 

On June 2, sophomores returned from Boston back to Glen Rock, the conclusion of the trip. With that, the ending of the recap of the adventure is over.