Alumni Special: Danny Goldsmith (Class of ’88)

With his family, Danny Goldsmith has enjoyed a now-cancer free life.

by Max Felsenstein, Sports Editor

Glen Rock High School graduate (’88,) Danny Goldsmith, wasn’t sure what the future would bring for him after high school.

In January 1988, right after being accepted to the University of Maryland, Goldsmith was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a type of cancer in the immune system caused by the spread of cells beyond the lymphatic system.

“I went through the second half of my senior year, going through chemotherapy treatments, and I delayed going away to school for the first semester. Due to the treatments after my graduation, I spent a semester close to home at Montclair State University,” Goldsmith said.

In September of 1988, after nine months of intense chemotherapy treatment, Goldsmith was officially proclaimed “cancer-free.”

After his semester at Montclair State University, Goldsmith majored in Political Science at the University of Maryland. Goldsmith recalled his time at Maryland as, “The best time of his life,” He then finished his studies at Quinnipiac University School of Law.

After Quinnipiac, Goldsmith who, had been cancer-free for almost eight years then worked as a law clerk for a judge in New York City, straight out of law school and before long, Goldsmith, a dedicated young man, worked his way to becoming a lawyer for over eight years.

Goldsmith then realized, he wanted to become a teacher, but that career change wish did not last very long.

“Sometimes I wish I was still a teacher, but with my job now, as the Director of the Litigation Department at Proskauer Rose LLP, I’m using both of my professions to the best of my capability,” Goldsmith said.

In 2008, Goldsmith returned to Glen Rock for his 20th high school reunion. He said, “It was great seeing all of my friends that I still keep in touch with today. We’ve been buddies not just since high school, but since elementary school.”

With the Junior Prom approaching on May 30, Goldsmith recalled, “We went on the Circle Line Sightseeing cruise around New York City, and I lead our entire class in the singing of God Bless America as we passed the Statue of Liberty.”

He added, “That was probably my proudest moment throughout High School because I wasn’t in remission just yet.”

Now, 26 years out of high school, Goldsmith said, “I’ve almost been cancer-free for 26 years and I couldn’t be happier.”

Goldsmith added, “I have two kids, Ava and Lila, and my wife, Natalia, and I couldn’t ask for anything more than that.”