Our government in recent years has grown far beyond the consent of the governed. It has abused our rights in many ways. One of the most blatant abuses is the mandate that says Americans must purchase health insurance. Our Government officials try to disguise their socialist agenda as a humanitarian project. For example they hand out food stamps and welfare checks. They think we are too stupid to see through their scams and lies. While saying they want to help people who are poor or in poverty they use these programs to grow the government and make the poor dependent on them. This government seems to think we are not able to make basic decisions about our lives. Well I ask, if we the people, do not have the capacity to decide what is right and wrong for ourselves how can a government in a distant capital have the ability or the judgment to decide for us?
This nation was founded on the basic principles framed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These basic ideals are being infringed upon everyday. We can no longer own guns like we could a few years ago and the Catholic church is being forced to buy contraception for its employees. If we ignore this framework we hold dear we will doom our nation and ourselves to mediocrity. No other nation on earth has freedom on the scale we do. In other countries the government intrudes into peoples lives in the way that Mr. Obama wants by use of healthcare. We must make sure history does not record that we who had the most powerful and free nation the earth has ever seen knowingly allowed its own demise. If we fail in our fight to keep this nation free, if we allow the United States to crumble there will be no freedom left in the world.
guidofawkes • Nov 13, 2012 at 7:07 pm
It is rather curious how you act as if mandated universal health care will lead to our demise and ruin our country while at the same time it is doing a lot of good for our country and many other countries around the world who experience the benefits of universal health care. In journalism you should strive to present both sides of this ongoing debate you clearly have shown your conservative thoughts why not show the other point of view?? Here are some of the benefits of “Obamacare” “Obamacare” is projected to save more than 200 billion dollars over the next decade (whereas repealing the law would cause 230 billion dollars in deficit), It will help keep the cost of healthcare to the struggling and young Americans at bay who have already been hit hard by the recession, it improves care and coverage to senior citizens, it will create roughly 4 million jobs across all sectors, and it will make it much easier and cheaper for employers to provide healthcare. Many American’s health care coverage would not cover their expansive treatments due to them having “pre-existing conditions” causing them to have to make massive commutes and pay unnecessary sums of money just to get their proper treatment.
One thing to think about is that the only people complaining about are the GOP. NOT the thousands of people benefiting from the program that are saving thousands of dollars and getting the coverage that every American should be entitled to, NOT the small businesses who NOT the people that could not afford health care in the first place. If you want a strong country that does not “crumble” and “have no freedom” maybe you should take the thoughts and feeling of the American people’s well-being.
ABrennan13 • Nov 14, 2012 at 4:23 pm
@GudioFawkes- Why belittle a student who simply wants to voice his concern about the growing influence of government? We should all be happy that people of my generation are concerned about these issues and our posterity. Your last paragraph was way out of line; “people are only complaining about the GOP.” Perhaps in public housing projects yes, but in America people are complaining about not being able to get good, well paying jobs. And how can you say that he doesn’t care about the well being of the people, just because he takes a view contrary to yours that free individuals can define happiness and well being for themselves better than government does, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about people. Although I disagree with your point, I would not suggest that you don’t have the well being of Americans at heart… Keep up the good work Frank, never let people tell you to be silent!
Frank Connor • Nov 15, 2012 at 8:09 pm
GudioFawkes- though it may appear to you that Obamacare and socialized medicine is a good thing for this country you fail to realize what it is actually doing. These socialist programs slowly strip us of our liberties. They allow the government to act as our superiors when We The People are their superiors. We are a nation that has a government not the other way around, its our government not theirs. We can’t let them infringe on our basic rights even if it has good intentions. Governments job is not to force upon us something we don’t want, its not its job to decide what good or bad for us. Our governments purpose for existence is to protect us from others and not ourselves.
ABrennan13 • Nov 13, 2012 at 10:45 am
It’s good to see another young person is concerned about the growing scope of government and its’ intrusion in our daily lives. Keep fighting for conservative principles and our country!
Howard Watterson • Nov 9, 2012 at 10:43 am
You are completely right about the whole how the government is getting to involved in everything. This is a really interesting article!
Marleigh • Nov 7, 2012 at 8:36 pm
Well said.