Winning the award for “Best Hallway,” the juniors had a very fun and interactive corridor. Class officers Emily Brennan, Alex Dragona, Emily Paddon, Susanna Treacy, and Mikaela Waller did an excellent job preparing and organizing the decorations and props for the “John’s Boy”-themed hallway, stocked with pizza parlor paraphernalia and Italian flags.
The class officers brainstormed a list of possible themes as soon as their sophomore year was over. In mid-September, a private Facebook group was created for the graduating class of 2014 in which students posted their theme ideas for the hallway. After a few weeks, the class officers narrowed these ideas down based on an idea’s popularity (most likes and/or comments), practicality, and accessibility. From this poll, the theme of “John’s Boy Juniors” proved to be the most popular. “The first thing we did after deciding on the hallway’s theme was contact Umberto, the son-in-law of the owner of John’s Boy Pizzeria. He was honored and excited to hear that we would be representing his restaurant during our school’s spirit week,” recording secretary, Mikaela Waller, recounts.
Waller also described how generous the restaurant owners were in donating and providing everything the class needed: “[Umberto] and Patty were crucial to the creation of our hallway, allowing us to order our class shirts through them—at a discount—providing stacks of menus and stickers to decorate, lending us two pictures from their walls, donating money to our class, and donating a ton of pizza for us to sell during school.”
The officers received donations not only from John’s Boy, but from students, parents and friends as well. The class officers convened a few times before the day of decorating to create different pieces for the hallway.
Student, teacher, and restaurant involvement together helped the juniors create a fantastic hallway!
Dean Sponholz • Nov 13, 2012 at 10:55 am
I love pizza<3 and this article! so talented 8)
ABrennan13 • Nov 13, 2012 at 10:51 am
Even though I am a senior and thought that our class worked very hard, I felt the junior class had the best hallway. It was quintessential Glen Rock and looked really authentic. Good work Juniors!
KStreaser14 • Nov 13, 2012 at 10:34 am
John’s Boy Juniors Let’s Go!!!! (^^^)
Jillian Rotondaro • Nov 13, 2012 at 10:33 am