On May 19, there was an event calling out for artists and musicians. Teen Arts was an event where people from different schools came together and displayed their art, not only that but instruments and pleasant sounds echoed around the whole campus. Bands from different schools would perform different kinds of music that they had been practicing before the event.
But aside from the music, the art display was on a whole different level and a creative world, the different styles of paintings, drawing, and more. There were a lot of great art pieces but the paintings that were from different school was exotic, it was a splash of colors and wonders of feelings that each art piece gives. It sends out different meanings and emotions to each audience and how they view the art piece. And the generation of art, graphics! A different taste in colors and views gave a new perspective to each and one of us. The brush that the artwork desired. Some were blocky, some were smooth, and some were fearful. Some people might judge the kinds of art that have been displayed but each and one of the feelings and emotions that the audience get is always exciting to watch.
As personally, some of the paintings were the most exotic things that was there. WIth the different colors that was splashed on the walls and papers that was dunked in a magical river. Normally the paper would shrivel up or rip off, but the interactions with the hands of someone who cares, it didn’t break and didn’t make a disappointment. The time I was there with other people and interacting with different people’s reaction to each and every painting or artwork was exotic. It felt like as if I came in a ice cream shop with any flavors I want.
A lot of people just went by and said that it was good or gave a sign of positivity, which I also did but I also realized the little details in each and everyone of it, but I feel like some other people really looked deep into it, so deep that gave off the aurora of patients and the non-disruptive vibe. As I went off from the paintings, we could see the structural interactions with art, the sculptures.
The halfway was long, as if it was a story telling book ,within each page there would be sculptures with different meanings to each other, some of them were just something fun but some others were really deep. But sadly to the other audiences reactions were some time time hurtful to me even though I’m not the one who did. Even though the sculpture wasn’t meant to be scary but meaning something deep and more beautiful as the description, the audience took it as something that is cursed or just scary. Deeper meanings could definitely go to something scary and some times to time uncomfortable, and that could be the purpose but the tone I could see what the sculpture was trying to convey. The smoothly well painted clay with beautiful cracks to persuade with the other line from the other side. And this goes to every sculptures. One of my favorite ones and the one that can’t leave my head was the “fortune cookies,” the box was big in size and there were fortune cookies, they were made all individually, very well done as well. It was surprising as a person who had that much patient to make each one and to wait to see the cookies fill up. Felt as if the life of mine was fulfilling and the cookies with each and everything was trying to speak to me.
The place was amazing with the music, the timing of the right breeze through the door and the beautiful art that withstand the others. It was a great time interacting with other artists art works, it can also become a self reflection. I had to see myself and wonder as if I made the work, it was a time of other peoples side talks that goes through one ear to the other that sounds like a mumble but not annoying, but more of a way that is usual. And the visuals of a interesting point of view, all these became a element that is more than enough both entertainment and self interactions. The other point of views in artist really surprised me, thinking to myself, “wow, how did they think of doing that?’ or “What made them paint thins? What were they thinking while painting this? What did they feel?” all these questions became thoughtless as soon I took a glance at other art works. I became speechless in my own thoughts. And it was unbelievable that it was teens that are around our age. A remarkable time that put me somewhere else and I didn’t want to leave. Not enough for great time.
Matthew Barchetto • Oct 28, 2023 at 9:15 pm
A positive and enthusiastic description of an event I did not attend. Made me feel like I was there, Powerful stuff, especially near the end.