Glen Rock Fire Department brings Santa to town!

Photo Credit: Glen Rock Fire Department
December 7, 2021
The Glen Rock Fire Department will proudly escort Santa Claus through town to kick off the 2021 Holiday Season! On Saturday, Dec. 18 around 6 p.m. the GRFD will start making its way around town with Santa aboard.
There will be two engine trucks (Engine 831 & Engine 833) sent out with Santa escorted by chief cars on the east and west sides of town divided by Maple Ave. Residents of Glen Rock will be able to track Santa and his journey around town from a GPS tracker that will be posted on the GRFD Facebook page about 30 minutes prior to the start of the ride. Firefighters will be tossing candy canes out to kids who watch Santa drive by their house on the sidewalk along with taking multiple stops around town.
This is an exciting all-day event for the GRFD which consists of decorating Engine 831 and Engine 833 for the Santa ride. Along with the GPS tracker, GRFD will have a live feed up on Facebook throughout the day and night decorating the trucks. Volunteer firefighters take time with no pay to carry out these events along with responding to all sorts of emergencies 24/7/365 days a year. So listen for those sirens outside your house to get a peek of Santa before Christmas this year!