Employee shortage prompts significant change

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

by Kevin Lederer, Editor-In-Chief

As demand for workers continues to rise businesses are still struggling to survive due to the repercussions of COVID-19. With the number of job openings surging to over 10 million, how does this affect your life and the things that you buy?

The number of job openings has not been a direct result of the Delta Variant, but the results of previous COVID-19 outbreaks. According to CNBC, half of small business owners have said that it has been hard to hire qualified workers compared to a year ago. 

Small businesses have also struggled with the rising cost of wages that they are experiencing. As reported by CNBC, big corporations like McDonald’s raising their minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2024 and others following in their footsteps, 41 percent of small business owners have said that they are currently trying to raise their own wages in order to keep up.

 On top of that retailers like Target have pledged to cover the cost of tuition, fees, and textbooks for part-time and full-time workers who pursue a qualifying undergraduate degree at more than 40 institutions. It will also fund advanced degrees, paying up to $10,000 each year for master’s programs at those schools.

The lack of laborers has caused more than higher wages for employees, as the supply shortage and corresponding supply chain are backed up from COVID-19.

“I’ve worked for a long time as a busboy and I’ve never seen it like this before. My boss is constantly trying to find new workers because we are always short staffed,” said Glen Rock High School senior Matt Pragdat 

Pragdat also went on to mention that the restaurant that he works at is now closed three times a week instead of one. 

“Now that all of the college students are gone there just doesn’t seem like there are people that are willing to work the same hours that they used to,” Pragdat said.

Unfortunately, we continue to see and feel the negative consequences of COVID-19. We can expect the prices of most goods to rise steadily until the economy returns to where it once was with the normal amount of people looking for work. If you are looking for a job now is the time to get one because the wages being paid out now will not likely last.