2021 GRHS Sports stats: How did COVID impact the sports atmosphere here at GRHS these past seasons?
June 18, 2021
COVID-19 has impacted Glen Rock High School in more ways than one. Glen Rock sports, in particular, have been impacted due to the restrictions of the pandemic. However, the Glen Rock sports seasons still found a way to go on despite all of the restrictions.
In order to get an accurate picture of how the various participants of GRHS sports felt about the unpredictable circumstances, we polled coaches, student athletes, fans, and administrators.
We asked numerous questions relating to their feelings about GRHS sports during COVID and how they thought the outcome of the seasons were like.
A majority of our participants voted that they thought the seasons went better than expected with these circumstances. 84.13% voted that they thought the season turned out better than expected while the other 15.87% voted that it was worse than expected.
We also asked our participants what they missed most about the sports seasons out of a selection of four specific options and one “other” option. Of our participants, 38 said that they missed the crowded student sections, 12 said they missed pep rally, nine said they missed homecoming, two said they missed the Friday Night Lights, and two selected “other.”