Pep rally excites students for athletics
Photo Credit: Photo Credit: Simon Toffell
The seniors were lead by the “super fans”. From left to right: Jack Ferreri, Brett Callahan, Liam Miele, Spencer Lichtenstein, and Colin Consoli.
November 1, 2019
The pep rally was an enjoyable experience for students on Oct. 11.
Seniors wore black, juniors wore red, sophomores wore white, and freshmen wore gray as the classes filled the bleachers in the gym on Friday, Oct. 11 for the annual pep rally.
The cheerleaders performed multiple routines. Coach Erica Little instructed as captains, Ana Lindley, Grace Huisking, Jordan Carr, and Jessie Malo led the cheerleaders in their dances.
The hosts were Liz McCarthy and Edward Grigg. “It was a lot of fun to be apart of the tradition,” McCarthy said.
The school also told students to refrain from chanting “sit down freshman,” a phrase repeated annually by 10th, 11th, and 12th graders.
After the football captains were called to receive candy canes at the center of the gym, the juniors and seniors began the chant with sophomores soon joining in.
“It stinks, but I can’t wait until next year,” Freshman Braden Van Sickle said.
There were also friendly competitions between the classes. There was an egg-and-spoon race between the class council members and a tug of war tournament with members from the crowd joining in. The seniors won both the race and the tournament.
The race was followed by an announcement of the class citizens. Davian Gekman and Dean Goldman won for the freshman. Alexa Levine and Vincent Kazella won for the sophomores. Juniors Robert Zamparelli and Marly D’Amato won for the third straight year. For the seniors, Rob Neubert and Asha Shetler won.
Pep rally host Liz Mccarthy was most surprised at how passionate the juniors were.
“The juniors were going crazy the entire time. They brought a lot of energy,” she said.
As Zamparelli received his award, the junior grade erupted, chanting, “Zamp, Zamp, Zamp!” and “Triple crown, triple crown, triple crown!”
In previous years, the pep rally began with a group of seniors tackling the panther mascot. That was not the case this year. Instead, the Panther walked around the gym, waving to students.
“We couldn’t do it this year. The school said enough was enough,” senior Kieran Egan said, who was the panther this year.
Ada Alpert • Nov 23, 2019 at 5:20 pm
Really well written article!! It explained who was there and what happened at the pep rally and made me feel as if I was there! Well done, Alex!!
Stasha Vicinanza • Nov 19, 2019 at 11:56 am
Nicely written!!!