Fall cheerleading welcomes new coach
Photo Credit: Simon Toffell
Coach Erica Little joined the Glen Rock High School cheerleading program as head coach this year.
October 23, 2019
The cheerleading program introduced a new head coach this season.
Erica Little “jumped at the opportunity” to coach a varsity high school team after her own high school coach, Liz Farkas, became involved with the Glen Rock recreational cheer program. Little had previously coached multiple youth recreational cheerleading, softball, and baseball teams, as well as Glen Rock’s noncompetitive cheerleading team last winter.
“I always coached younger kids,” Little said. “It’s so rewarding to watch them learn and grow, and know you played a role in their love for a sport.”
Cheering from grade school through high school, Little has experience as a sporting event cheerleader for 11 years, even receiving some competitive training. Regardless of her coaching and athletic background, Little said that she does not base her coaching style on what has worked previously with other teams.
“One age group to another, one sport to another, it’s all different,” Little said. “Learning to adapt and mesh with a team definitely helps in your success as a coach.”
Little has already implemented many changes to the fall cheerleading program, the biggest being structured practices. According to Little, she tells the girls what she expects out of each practice. She also provides the varsity and JV teams with detailed practice and game schedules, which enable the team to stay “focused and goal-oriented.”
Little looks forward to experiencing her first Glen Rock football season and embracing all of the traditions that come with that, especially the homecoming pep rally. Little’s goals for the season include building a cohesive team and improving skills in anticipation of the upcoming winter competition season.
Though she “loves everything” about coaching the varsity cheerleaders, Little’s favorite part is when the girls’ hard work pays off.
“What stands out the most is to see one of them try something new and out of their comfort zone, and work hard until they are successful at it,” Little said. “The joy that’s all over their face when they hit a new skill makes me so proud.”
Overall, Little is excited to enjoy the upcoming cheerleading seasons and continue improving the program.
“Being that I’m the cheerleading coach, I’m always preaching to represent the school well and show support for all teams at all levels,” Little said. “I’m looking forward to showing support for other sports, and embracing my newly found panther pride.”