Restrictions to homecoming dance helps make the night fun for everyone

The homecoming dance is on Saturday, October 12.

by Alex Vicinanza, Staff Writer

With new regulations for the homecoming dance, students are anxious to get tickets before it’s too late. 

A ticket for the Oct. 12 dance costs $20. In previous years, students could wait until the week before the dance to get their tickets. This year, though, there is a maximum and minimum amount of tickets available.

 At least 70 students must sign-up for the dance, but no more than 200 tickets will be sold. 

Principal John Arlotta said, “We need a minimum number so we do not lose money. It is not an event to make money, but we do not want to lose money. We have to have a maximum. We need to have an idea of a number so things don’t get out of hand.”

 When the dance first started, it wasn’t “the cool thing” to do. A few years ago, the student council decided to start a black light theme where the lights would be off to simulate a night club. There were around 300 students. Many parents complained about the dress code, saying that some students had dressed inappropriately. This led to the student council requiring formal attire, but students did not buy tickets. This year, the dress code is business casual. 

Junior Bryce Fisher said, “The only complaint about last year’s dance is that it was overcrowded. The music was great, which meant everyone would be going crazy to every song. I was pushed up against so many people, and I even had to step outside a few times to catch my breath.”