Panther pride shown with class of 2018 gift

Photo Credit: Ms. Walter

Panther mural gifted by the class of 2018.

by Ryan Hornish, Copy Editor


Every year the graduating Senior class presents a gift they’ve donated to the High School. In years prior it has been trees, furniture, or art murals, and leaves a lasting mark on the High School for future students to view, use, and appreciate for years to come.


Last year, the graduating class of 2018 had donated a mural of a panther on a red background next to lettering that spell out Glen Rock Panthers. The idea, devised by Ms. Walter, has been stirring around in the melting pot of artistic ideas she’s formed over the years for donations to the school from prior classes. Inspired by street artists Banksy and JR, Class advisor Ms. Walter has wanted to mimic the artist’s design but on the exterior wall of the APR facing the courtyard, instead, the Sports Lobby was chosen to hold

Photo Credit: Ryan Hornish
The planned wall where the mural will be placed, located in the Sports Lobby.

this mural.


The class officers and Ms. Walter decided a mural in the Sports lobby would be cheaper and easier to maintain instead of the exterior mural idea. The class hired Graphic Solutions to create a laser cut steel Panther for the mural. The company was selected to help produce the mural after having seen finished products at the Perth Amboy High School.

The reason the officers choose the Sports lobby for the mural this year was in part by its blandness and due to the price,

it would cost. “It’s what we could afford so even this is going to be a few thousand dollars, it was gonna be close to 7,000 like 6 and a half thousand dollars to put it up on the wall here so this was in our budget.”

If Students take a glance towards the wall above the art hallway in the sports lobby, they will be able to see the planed area for where the mural will be placed marked with red paint.

Ms. Walter hopes that the classes below the senior class will follow their path by donating murals big or small across the school in the years to come.