Do computers really help kids learn?
Photo Credit: Kaylee Doyle
Freshmen Devyn Ivers, Abby McCarthy and Allie Eisenberg (left to right) pose with their smartphones. They all wish for teachers to incorporate technology into their classes more. Some of their favorite online classroom activities have been Kahoot and Quizlet Live.
January 29, 2019
Everyone knows the feeling when the teacher is coming around the class looking for homework, and you realize that you’ve left at home. Panic starts to kick in, and when your teacher arrives at your desk asking for your homework, you’re forced to admit that you left the piece of paper on your kitchen counter, accepting the zero.
Technology is the simple answer for the problem. Many teachers have begun to incorporate it into their teaching systems. As long as you have a computer, assigning online homework allows teachers to be able to see who really did their homework and who didn’t. In addition, they will know who doesn’t have an excuse.
For students in Glen Rock where having bad wifi or connection at their house, the media center and library are open for students to do homework and both have computers to work on.
An issue many could argue is the problem with copy and pasting. However, if a teacher is suspicious that a student is plagiarizing, they could easily look at the revision history to be able to tell. This is almost better than having something due on paper because kids could share hard copies and copy down verbatim what other people have written, and the teacher would never be able to tell.
While some teachers are against incorporating technology into their teaching, many students agree that it helps them learn better and is an easier way to work.
Some studies do show that students learn things better when they write it out. Everyone is different and has different learning styles. All teachers should offer the option to take notes on a computer during class. A study done by pew research says that 77% of people think that technology has a positive impact on our education.
Freckle is a company that sells education software that sells programs for teachers to do with their kids.
“Determining their students skill level more efficiently was the top cited way technology has changed the way those surveyed teach, followed by determining their skill level more deeply. Other benefits include giving teachers the opportunity to try more creative and unique lessons, and freeing up time to provide more individual attention to students,” said Phil Sharp from Freckle Education’s Blog.
Some teachers cover material at a pace that some could find confusing or disorienting. The notes go quickly and it is hard for some students to follow. While some kids are fast writers and can keep up with some teachers fast paces, other kids fall behind in the notes and become more worried about writing everything down rather than taking in the material. Offering kids to be able to type in every class would give them more than one options for taking notes and would let kids learn things their own way.
Freshman Devyn Ivers said, “Two of my teachers don’t let me have my computer out. It is hard because I am a fast typer so when she moves through the notes quickly I’d rather type it all out then only be able to write down a few key words.”
A survey by Freckle Education found that 2,500 teachers and administrators across the U.S. participated in, 80% said that they believe access to technology in their schools is already either good or great.
Arjun Bidani • Feb 21, 2019 at 6:57 pm
Interesting topic. If copying other students work on paper copies becomes so extreme, then for classes like history or English, teachers can assign half the class one topic and the other half another topic. This method would cut down the probability of copying or plagiarism by a good amount. Two buddies may be assigned two different sections of a general topic such as the Industrial Revolution or the themes of Great Gatsby.