Take a closer look at the redesigned courtyard

The wind sculpture and plaque that lay in the center of the garden remind passing students of Norma Klau’s legacy.

by Caroline Geoghegan, Staff Writer

The courtyard has always been a key place for lunchtime escapades for students. Now, new renovations bring fresh meaning to this central space.

The new courtyard renovations were unveiled to the public on the Oct. 22. This planned event, which served as a memorial ceremony Norma Klau, was orchestrated by Deborah Cella with input from Barry Klau and Beverly O’Hearn. It featured songs from the school choir along with various speakers recounting the life of Norma Klau.

The new courtyard has been turned into a sculpture garden in dedication to art and sculpture teacher Norma Klau. The project started in the late fall, after the death of Klau. The company Landscapeworks provided the construction for the renovation.

New features include a bubble rock fountain, a pergola, and a plaque dedicated to Norma Klau. Intricate wind sculptures, which were purchased by the class of 2007, are on full display.

According to Cella, these features combined form a “zen-like” atmosphere.  With both rocks and tables for socializing and an outdoor classroom for learning, the popularity of the Norma Klau Statue Garden has already soared.

There is also a composite area for a stage to be placed upon during events like Glenstock. For evening events of that type (like the Sophomore Semi-formal), Cella hopes that lights will be added to the space.

The memorial garden has brought closure to Klau’s family, along with providing a beautiful space for students during lunch.

“We’re trying to create a pleasing and comforting state for people to relax.” Cella said. She hopes to launch more projects dedicated to beautifying the school, with her main goal being to create a committee to plan public spaces around the high school.

“People feel honored to be in such a space,” Cella said. “Gardens like that should be cared for.”