Photo Credit: Keaton Carlisle Glen Rock is chasing the ball in the middle of the field. Pictured, Takeru Kashida (8). Kashida chased after the ball and hoped to gain control in center field.Photo Credit: Keaton Carlisle Glen Rocks goalie tosss the ball down the field. Pictured is Senior, Zach Fazal (0).Photo Credit: Keaton Carlisle Glen Rocks defense clears the ball out of their zone. Pictured is Senior, Kevin Belknap (4).Photo Credit: Keaton Carlisle Glen Rocks player running down the field. Pictured is Owen Corry (15).
Photo Credit: Keaton Carlisle Glen Rock takes the ball through the middle of the field. Pictured is Nick Rogers (7). Nick ran the ball through the middle of the field and tried to create some offense in hawthornes end.Photo Credit: Keaton Carlisle Glen Rock is trying to claim the ball back from Hawthorne. Pictured is senior, Justin Kochman (3). Kochman stole the ball from one of hawthornes players and created some offense for his team.Photo Credit: Keaton Carlisle Glen Rock sauced one of Hawthornes players. Pictured is Junior, Rick Dager (18). One of hawthornes players tried to steal the ball from Dager but ended up on the ground after Dager crossed him up.Photo Credit: Keaton Carlisle Glen Rock uses fancy footwork to blow past another Hawtorne player. Pictured is Justin Kochman (3). Kochman put the ball through the defenders legs and left him wondering why he’s still a defender.Photo Credit: Keaton Carlisle Glen Rock’s player is about blow past Hawthorne’s player once again. Pictured is Junior, Owen Corry (15). Corry went past Hawthornes defense and helped Glen Rock get some offense.Photo Credit: Keaton Carlisle Glen Rock has possession in center field. Pictured is Justin Kochman (3). Kochman dribbled the ball up the field and looked to pass to his teammates.Photo Credit: Keaton Carlisle Glen Rock has the ball in hawthornes end. Pictured is Sophomore, Connor Daly (6) and Junior, Nick Rogers (7). Kochman had the ball while Rogers and Daly tried to get open to receive a pass.Photo Credit: Keaton Carlisle Glen Rock is in Hawthornes end and they are looking to make an offensive play. Pictured is Junior, John Corry (9) and Takeru Kashida (8). John Corry went up against hawthornes defender and got the ball to the net.
Keaton Carlisle is a junior and this is his first year with The Glen Echo. He is the chief photographer for The Glen Echo. He spent 3 weeks in California...