Students join extracurricular activities at Club Walk-Around
Photo Credit: Julia Peirmatteo
Students learn about the various clubs in the school during the annual Club Walkaround event. Twenty-nine clubs attended, and students taught their classmates about what each offered.
September 15, 2017
The courtyard was host to this year’s Club Walk-Around, packed with students learning about the activities Glen Rock High School has to offer.
Representatives from extra-curricular activities set up tables all around the courtyard during lunchtime on Wednesday, September 13. Twenty-nine clubs participated this year, and everywhere one turned, there were sign-up sheets, flyers, and more students. Students advertised their clubs to the rest of the student body. It was difficult to navigate through the sea of students crowded around the tables.
Megan Nordman, the adviser to the Math Team, signed up for a table “to make students aware, at the start of the school year, what activities are available. To make discovering clubs more interactive so students can ask questions from the current members.”
Bands of students swarmed around the tables. Club participants actively tried to persuade the rest of the student body to join. There were many clubs to choose from, each broadcasting their energy and ideas. The Gay-Straight Alliance hung up the Pride flag and gave out rainbow stickers and bracelets. LEAP handed out flyers that explained what their club stands for and their upcoming de-stress event. A new club, Girl Up!, led by Abby Stern, attended for the first year.
Tyler Richardson was one of the students who managed the GSA table.
“Without the Club Walk-Around, you really wouldn’t be able to know kind of what was going on,” Richardson said. He explained that “a lot of people have this thing where they won’t ask anybody about a club.” He hoped that by introducing his classmates to the GSA, they might be inspired to join.
“I think the Club Walk-Around is a really good way to get people to learn about clubs,” he said.