Pick a better day for Junior Prom
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons
With conflicts from both the SAT test and the music festival Governor’s Ball, many hope next year’s Junior Prom will be better scheduled.
May 4, 2017
The first week of June holds two important events for many high school students: Junior Prom and the SAT.
The two events are scheduled back to back with Junior Prom on June 2 and the SAT on June 3.
This conflict in scheduling is disadvantageous to students, as teenagers will have to wake up early after staying up for Prom. While taking the June SAT is not mandatory, those who will be taking it will have to weigh their choices.
Many students will stay out later after Junior Prom ends, either to go to After Prom or to hang out with their own friends. Students will furthermore have to decide between not taking the SAT or not having fun with their friends.
With a little less than a month until that first week of June, the questions remains: should Junior Prom have been rescheduled?
Even if Glen Rock decided not to host the June SAT, students would still have to get to surrounding schools to take the test. So while the SAT test dates can’t be changed (unless the test center needs to be closed because of inclement weather), the date of Prom can be.
Junior Prom already conflicts with another event, Governor’s Ball, a popular music festival that many students are choosing to go to instead of going to Prom.
Prom is often regarded as one of the most important days in a high school students life, yet the special day is conflicting with other important days.
The date of Prom could easily be changed so it wouldn’t clash with other events but the date remains the same.
One reason why Prom can’t be moved is that the week after the original date is the sophomore’s Semi-Formal Dance. The Friday after the Semi-Formal Dance, finals exams begin. So shifting Junior Prom and the Semi-Formal one week over isn’t the solution.
This year Memorial Day weekend has been extended as the school will be closed May 30 and May 31.
Could Junior Prom have been held the Friday before Memorial Day Weekend, May 26? One positive that would come out of rescheduling Junior Prom for May 26 is students will have a long weekend to look forward to, as well. Additionally, those students who will be taking the June SAT can use the long weekend to study.
All solutions aside, the likelihood of Junior Prom being rescheduled this year is non-existent. However, because of the current conflicts caused by other events, Junior Prom can certainly be scheduled better next year to minimize conflicts.