Spanish club raises money for underprivileged children
Photo Credit: Caroline Griffin
The Spanish Club advertised their rose sale a week prior to valentine’s day.
February 24, 2017
The Spanish club handed out roses on Valentine’s Day to raise money for two children the club sponsors through Children International.
Students had the opportunity to purchase a rose for a special someone for the price of $3 each or Hershey kisses for $1.50 each. All items were on sale from Feb. 6 until Feb. 13.
Deirdre Meaney, senior club officer, handed out roses and Hershey kisses to students during first period with the help of other club members such as Janine Downing, Sydney Mangaroo, and David Martinez.
“I love giving out the roses. It’s so much fun and something great to give and get on Valentine’s Day,” Meany said.
Students received their roses during their first period class on Feb. 14. With each rose or Hershey kiss there was a message attached including whom the gift was to and from.
“I have not received one in the past,” Downing said. “It was definitely a good feeling to receive a rose.”
Mrs. Dina Plescia has been the Spanish club’s adviser since 2004 after being approached by students who were looking to reinstate the club. Between her and the students, the Spanish club decided to do something.
“There had been a Spanish club but there had been nobody to advise it for several years, so it kind of fell off to the side,” Plescia said. “We selected Children International for the simple reason that it cost less per month and for each dollar more of that dollar went to the kid than the organization.”
For the past 10 years the Spanish club has been sponsoring children with the money raised through two fundraisers. The Valentine’s day rose sale and multicultural festival held in the spring are the fundraisers organized to help sponsor two children in Latin America.
“This year we made a lot of money from the rose sales. The amount we make varies from year to year but still continues to be a successful fundraiser,” Meaney said.
Children International has been serving children in need for over 30 years. The organization is currently assisting 32,000 impoverished children with vital benefits like new clothing, shoes, basic health care and educational support.

David Abraham Auxen, boy sponsored by GRHS Spanish Club, is from Guatemala.
“I love that we sponsor the kids. It’s really great that we have an impact on kids outside of our school and country,” Meany said.
Tina. L Palcher, director of sponsor services for Children International, sent out a letter to GRHS Spanish club after the club’s recent new sponsor child was assigned.
“Thank you again, GRHS Spanish Club. You are helping make such a difference in the lives of needy children,” Palcher said.
The letter contained a sponsorship kit containing personal history, a photo, and a country report containing interesting facts about the new sponsor child. David A., age six, is the Spanish club’s newest sponsor child.
In a letter from the boy, he writes, “I am very happy for receiving your support.”
Under Children International the sponsor child will be sponsored until the age of 18. When one of the children we sponsor ages out of the program the club sponsors another child to replace the child that left.
“I am especially grateful to you because of your sacrifice to sponsor another child. Your loving support will help make all the difference in this young life,” Palcher said. “With the continued support of sponsor like you, we’re helping children and families achieve a better way of life in Guatemala.”