Glenconian goes back in time
January 6, 2017
The Glenconian yearbook staff recently took theme shots for the 2016-17 yearbook.
Advisers Ms. Deborah Cella and Mr. Scott Kupka worked with three main editors as well as the cast and directors of each theme shot to start the process. Each year, participating students select a theme for the yearbook. This year’s theme is The Glen Rock Times, and each theme shot is taken to represent some aspect of that overarching theme.
“We are booked from the first slot of the day to the last slot,” Cella said. “Right now, it’s almost like data collection time. All of these things are what are guiding how the book is ultimately going to look.”
One aspect of the book’s design focuses on the senior students and recognizing that they are the last graduating class born, for the most part, in the 90s. “They were the last ones, so it’s a lot of then and now representation in the theme shots” Cella said.
Many of the shots take a look at comparisons between then and now in categories such as fashion, politics and television shows such as Grey’s anatomy vs. That 70s show and Saved by the Bell vs. The Office.
“The group seems to agree, which is nice. Normally it’s a thirty minute discussion on what the theme should be, this year we were like ‘we like that, let’s do it.’” Kupka said.

Art teachers and yearbook advisers, Mr. Scott Kupka and Ms. Deborah Cella.
He knows just how much effort is needed to put this together. He was excited to see the “then and now fashion” theme shots taken, saying that they will look nice side by side.
“You guys think you know what ‘grunge’ was, you have no idea what it was, but you try and that’s admirable,” he said. This was suggesting that although the senior class was born in the 90s, it doesn’t mean they are “90s people.”
The art department took over yearbook publication in 1972, and has worked with one photographer for years. Rich Jones is a professional photographer who is responsible for taking theme shots for the Glenconian.
“In general I enjoy working with the kids because of the imagination they show and the creativity,” Jones said. He enjoys watching everyone put something together as a positive experience. Jones mentioned how a lot of how the yearbooks turn out is what happens after the taking of the shots. The book is as much photo shop and editing as it is cameras and costumes.
The annual also relies heavily on its directors and editors. The three editors in chief, seniors Michelle Hillock, Jess Zakowski and Matt Lacognata, watch over the entire process.
The pace at which the photoshoots move is “fast, very fast, and it’s never fast enough,” Hillock said.
“The group working on the yearbook is the best group ever, and that’s who I’m excited to work with, it’s just a great experience.” Matt said. “They’re so hardworking, so dedicated and they’re so creative which is the only thing I could be asking for at this point.” The three editors have accomplished a lot already but still have a lot more to complete through photoshop as they begin to layout the 2016-17 yearbook’s pages.
The editors suggest that all students, including underclassmen, should join the yearbook club, as everyone “has a voice.”