Art Show showcases students’ projects

Senior exhibit done by Isabella Feige. Students who take Art Major III complete a display to show their work accomplished over their years in art class.

by Patricia Whyte, Senior Staff Writer

Outside the sounds of electric guitars and wailing vocalists can be heard from the courtyard, but inside the acoustics of Pandora radio echoes throughout the art wing. Parents and students wander through, talking time to appreciate the paintings, sketches, and photos decorating the walls of the hallway.

The Art Show took place on Wednesday, June 1 in the art wing. The show is a combination of artwork that has been done by the students who have taken art classes this year. Seniors who have taken Art Major III this year put together their own exhibits of pieces they’ve done the past four years. Many of these students plan on going into art related careers or studying art further in college.

The Art Show has been a tradition since before Mrs. Deborah Cella, head of the Art Department, was a student at Glen Rock High School herself.

“It’s taking a look at all of the beautiful things that have been accomplished,” Cella said.

The show displays a large variety of all the different projects done students of all grades throughout the school year. One can walk through the halls and see a combination of ceramics, photos, and paintings done by students of all grades. Some of the Art has been selected to be shown at this year’s Teen Arts festival, such as “Everyday Objects” by Olivia Grubb (’17).

The main goal of the Art Show is to showcase the work of the students, and for the students themselves to see projects done by their peers.

“Certain projects are really good portfolio projects, they’re important for the portfolios for their entrance into college,” Cella said.

Each senior who takes Art Major III puts together an exhibit for display that consists entirely of their own work from their time in high school art classes. Michaela Mountain (’16) had much of her work shown in her own display, including paintings, sewing projects, and photography. Her favorite pieces on display, however, were her ceramic sculptures, particularly a piece entitled “Tattoo.”

“They’re my favorite because of how much work I put into creating them, from starting as just a brick of clay and then each phase of designing,” Mountain said. Mountain described how each step takes a lot of work, including building, designing, and painting, but the end results in something beautiful.

Over her four years in high school, Mountain has taken 15 at classes, including sculpture, as well as Art Major 1, 2, and 3 Honors. She plans to study art next year at the Pratt Institute of Technology to pursue a career in fashion.

“My art classes were the ones I looked forward to going to the most and I really think that the classes and most importantly Mrs. Rusin and Mrs. Cella gave me a good foundation and properly prepared me for art school,” said Mountain.

Parents, students, and faculty were free to walk through the halls during Glenstock to see the artwork being shown.
Parents, students, and faculty were free to walk through the halls during Glenstock to see the artwork being shown.