Posters fill hallways before student elections
May 17, 2016
Student council and class officer elections will take place during students’ gym periods on Tuesday, May 24.
By tradition, students candidates have begun to hang up posters about the school in order to influence voting results. Interested voters can go to the Glen Rock High School website and read about each candidate and their ideas for their candidacy.
Behind the scenes planning has taken place for months before this election, according to student council adviser Ms. Katherine Bennin.
The booths are obtained from the county,” she said about the lengthy process. “We have to arrange months in advance for the date, and, weeks in advance, we have to give the names of the candidates to be placed on the voting machines.”

Class officers are in charge of class events such as single grade fundraisers for events like prom, sophomore semi, and homecoming hallway decorations. On the other hand, student council officers will be in charge of the larger, school-wide events. Bennin said that student council will plan and organize homecoming, the pep rally, and Glenstock.
Bennin also explained that the student council will do its best to aid the community.
“Over the holidays we sponsor a drive for children within Bergen county that are less fortunate,” she said. “Basically, if we can do it, we will.”
Bennin hopes that the school will elect appropriate leaders.
“They should be responsible, reliable, leaders, interested in promoting school/class spirit, involved within the school and/or the community, willing to commit time and motivate their fellow classmates,” she said.
According to Bennin, previous class and student council officers have set a positive standard for the future leaders of the school.
*Full disclosure, the writer of this article is running for a position in the election. Since the news article does not endorse any candidate, The Glen Echo has deemed it appropriate for publication.
zack riley • May 20, 2016 at 2:15 pm
wow this really gave me something to think about when i get into that voting booth