Students compete to win school Bake-off

Photo Credit: Sophie Ferreri

A tray of a a combination of only several of the treats made for the sophomore bake-off featuring macaroons, brownies, and cheesecake.

by Sophie Ferreri, Staff Writer

The bake-off took place on Friday, April 22, in the gymnasium during the second half of lunch.

The sophomore class found that baking does in fact bring people together, as they received a great turnout at their annual bake-off once again.

There was a display of the treats that the participants had baked on a table monitored by sophomore class officers collecting ballots and advertising the yummy treats.

For weeks there was a sign-up sheet to enroll in the fundraiser promoting it’s ‘all are welcome’ policy in the senior hallway. Once the participants signed their signature, they could grab the guidelines sheet listing the rules to follow.

The rules required the bakers to label the ingredients on an index card with their name on the back so that the students who tried their baked good would not have a biased vote. The treats had to be cut into small squares to feed at least 20 people. The treats were dropped off to Mr. Porciello or Mrs. Stoller in Room S114.

It cost $3 to try everything on the display table. Students who paid the $3 took a ballot to vote for their top three treats in the order they liked them in. The treats were labeled from one to seven, making the candidates who made each treat anonymous.

After the votes were caste, it was concluded that that first place winner was the Forstot family, second was Izzy Crawford (18’), and third was Alex Walter (18’).

“I made whoopie pies. I like to call them class oreos,” Walter said. “One time we made them for my grandpa’s birthday, and they turned out really well.”  

The bake-off was very successful and raised a lot of money for the class of 2018. Class president, Kevin Callahan (18’), took much pride in the sale and feels as if it is his duty to keep planning fun and fundraisers.

Display of treats made for the bake-off with the donations bin beside them.
Display of treats made for the bake-off with the donations bin beside them. Photo Credits: Sophie Ferreri

“Our class officers are very creative,” Kevin said. The officers are currently selling chocolate bars in the cafeteria. Officers are also planning the sophomore semi and will soon be selling for tickets which the class will profit from.
“Another bake-off would definitely be something for our class to watch out for,” Kevin said.