Homework Free Night becomes midterm study night
Photo Credit: Zack Riley
Students studying diligently before midterms
January 22, 2016
With midterms looming and students reviewing, there will be a homework free night on Wednesday, Jan. 20, to help students make more time for studying.
“Tonight is a Homework Free Night. Enjoy the time with family and friends,” students heard over loudspeakers on Wednesday morning, announced by senior Harrison Gale.
Yet despite the usual cheer such an announcement draws, some students didn’t see this particular Homework Free Night as a reason to celebrate.
“I don’t understand why a Homework Free Night would be scheduled if teachers have stopped giving homework and are only assigning things for their midterms,” Jack Jensen said (16).
Jensen said that many students didn’t believe that the upcoming homework free night would live up to its name.
“What’s the point of a homework free night if we are going to have to study for midterms anyway?” Jensen asked.
Other students voiced similar opinions about the Homework Free Night.
“The homework free night gives us time to study for midterms, but it isn’t really free of work. I will still be working even though it is technically a homework free night,” said Carter Stansel, a freshman.
Nevertheless, there were some people happy about the night of no homework.
“No Homework Night is great because, with the workload we usually have, a night of all studying for me is a great idea and should be considered when planning homework free nights,” said Jake Riley, a senior.