Freshmen take learning style inventory assessment
Photo Credit: Ms. Theresa Caren
Although most students take the test during freshmen year, the test is available for students in both Middle and High school
December 23, 2015
According to the American Psychological Association, there are many ways students can learn and obtain information. Studies call these different methods “learning styles.”
On Nov. 23rd and Nov. 24, the Guidance Dept. distributed a learning style inventory to the freshmen class in order to help the students identify what type of learning style(s) they excelled in.
The assessment has been distributed to the freshmen for the last three years. Students can gain access to it through the Naviance Program, which is commonly used by juniors and seniors to research potential colleges and careers. During the assessment, students are asked to answer a series of questions to determine whether they have an auditory, visual, kinesthetic, or tactile learning style. For some students, there is a possibility of having more than one learning style. After receiving their results, all students met individually with their counselors throughout December to discuss their results and give feedback on assessment.
Ms. Theresa Caren, a guidance counselor for the last nine years, had previously met with fellow counselors Ms. Rochelle Eaton, Ms. Ellen Barrett, and Mr. Dan Broadhead to discuss the possibility of setting up a learning style assessment for ninth graders. Their plan was approved by Mr. Lawrence Wolff, Director of Student Personnel Services.
The purpose of the assessment is to help students boost their academic potential by identifying their natural learning style(s) as well as help them discover new learning strategies and gain career development skills.
It helps them realize what their strengths are and how they can improve their learning.” Caren said.
Since the assessment is given to ninth graders, the underclassman are already introduced to the Naviance Program.
Shaina Ahmed, a freshman, found taking the assessment to be very helpful and a good experience.
“I liked how it is designed to help us do better in school and it provided a detailed explanation for what type of learner you are. Also, I liked how the test gave you advice on how to study after you took it,” Ahmed said.
Charlotte Arehart, another freshman, also found the assessment to be helpful but thought it could have been improved.
“A lot of the same questions on the test were asked multiple times, which made the test very long,” Arehart said.