Rainbow vomit and other updates
The new Snapchat update has users experimenting with new, funky features.
Photo Credit: Amanda Eichman
Amanda Eichman, a sophomore uses the new Snapchat update with the rainbow Lense
October 9, 2015
Snapchat received a new update of Sep. 15.
The update uses new filters called ‘lenses’ to make selfies more fun. When taking a picture with the front facing camera, users can hold down on their face and then pick from different Lenses to add special effects to their selfies. The different Lenses change everyday and can be found at the bottom of the screen. In addition, users can also take videos with different Lenses.
Amanda Eichman, a sophomore, describes the update as “really entertaining” and as a way to end boredom. Eichman also believes the update to be a good change and a good use of money on Snapchat’s part. Another student, Mandy Rosengren, a senior, also believes the update was a good change in the app.
Some of the new Lenses that come with the update include a heart eyes emoji effect, an effect that makes the user look older and an effect that makes the user throw up rainbows.
Eichman’s favorite Lense is the rainbow one because “your eyes get bigger and your cheeks get redder.” Rosengren’s favorite Lense is one where the user can be seen inside an ocean with fish swimming around.
Both Rosengren and Eichman use Snapchat on an almost daily basis. Rosengren says she uses snapchat more than she should and more than any of her other apps.
As much as it has its pros, the new update also has some cons. The big con is the fact that the Lenses change almost everyday. Although some Lenses appear for weeks at a time, many will disappear one day and reappear several days later. Eichman believes that the Lenses should all be there at all times and Rosengren believes they should just continually add more Lenses to existing ones.
Besides the new update, both Eichman and Rosengren also believe there should be other changes made to make Snapchat an even better app. Eichman wishes the “story” feature would be longer and that there were a way to change one’s username without making an entirely new account.
Rosengren said “enough with the screenshotting” and wants to be able to keep the pictures she gets.
Overall, both students are happy with the update and, in general, pleased with the app as a whole.