Dedication of sophomore class officers pays off
January 13, 2015
When a class looks to raise money for an event, they need not only great leadership from the advisers, but from the officers as well.
The sophomore class officers have used new and innovative techniques to advertise the new fundraisers. Ultimately, the class officers hope that these techniques will raise enough money to hold the semiformal dance in June.
The sophomore class officers began pitching ideas during the summer of 2014. They wanted to get started on the fundraising early. Although their options were limited during the summer alone, they were still able to make the most of it. A Facebook page group page was created for the sophomore class. Students with a Facebook account from the class of 2017 was added.

“The Facebook page was created to communicate with the grade for opinions and help,” said Anne Nebbia, class of 2017 treasurer.
The page’s main purpose has been proven to work. Instead of texting friends and hoping that the message gets passed on, sophomores are able to communicate with a majority of their grade through a single post.
So far, the biggest use of the Facebook page has been in the beginning to middle of October, in preparation for homecoming week.
As the pep rally approached last school year in 2013, the freshmen class of 2017 was unprepared. The goal of a uniformly dressed freshmen class was a failure. This year, however, the sophomore class was able to get the word out to wear a white shirt through the Facebook group.
Posts about the hallway decoration allowed for students to help out their class, improving the class hallway from last year significantly.

Although the Facebook page has not been used as frequently in recent weeks, the class will begin to post more frequently “as semi approaches,” according to Nebbia.
The idea of the Facebook page, although new to the class of 2017, is not new to the high school. A Facebook page was also created by the class of 2016 last year, and they still use it today.
“The class officers were able to communicate a lot of important information about the hallway decorations,” Jack Jensen, junior, said.
Aside from the Facebook group, the sophomore class officers have shown their responsibility and dedication to their class through different ways. On Thursday, Dec. 4, a bake sale was held in the Hamilton Lobby.
At this point, the fundraising goal for the dance has not yet been met; the officers, however, have given the advisers nothing but confidence that they will get the money by the dance.
“We have no fears,” said teacher Sita Patel, sophomore class adviser. “The class officers know the challenge, and they will rise to it.”
Although the job is not fully completed, the team of Ryan Dooner (president), Julia Rooney (vice president), Megan Tatigian (corresponding secretary), Kevin Sheahen (recording secretary), and Anne Nebbia (treasurer) will get the job done in time for the sophomore class to enjoy themselves at the sophomore semi-formal.