Plain and patterned popular pants
Photo Credit: Tim Mountain
Two freshmen, Julia Blando and Olivia Lorenzo, socializing at their lockers wearing their favorite pants, leggings
December 3, 2014
As Julia Blando, a freshman student, walks through the hallways she sees a clique of girls. More than half of those girls are wearing leggings. Why does it seem like everyone is wearing leggings?
Leggings are out of control; everywhere Blando looks she sees more girls wearing them. Leggings are trending, especially among the female community. “Leggings are like a wildfire,” Blando said. These trendy pants are spreading throughout all areas of the school.
There are multiple types of leggings: some are simple colors such as a solid black or grey, and others have extravagant patterns such as stripes, colorful blocks, fall pattern, or diamonds. Some students are a fan of solid basic leggings, while others prefer the crazy patterned leggings.
“I like the plain black ones,” Blando stated.
“I prefer plain leggings,” said Anastasia Zenkevich, freshmen, “Because they go with everything.”
Plain leggings are easier for most students to mismatch shirts with.
“I prefer plain leggings because I think they look good on everyone,” said freshman, Ilaria Fellini. One positive thing about plain leggings is that they go with anything whereas patterned ones have to match a shirt.
With so many different styles, students find it easy to express themselves and match these pants with about any top or shirt. “I think leggings are trendy because they are super comfortable and go with everything,” said Sabina Sose, a freshman. “They are also very comfortable and easy and quick and they go with anything,” Blando said.
Leggings are one of the most comfortable types of pants. This is a part of why leggings are taking control of what students wear.
“I think leggings are way more comfortable than other types of pants and you can match them with everything,” Sose stated.
“When you are getting ready in the morning its really easy and it goes with anything so you can just put them on really quick and go out the door,” Blando said.
“My favorite thing about leggings is that they are comfortable and go for every outfit,” Fellini said.
Blando is late for school. She grabs her Urban Outfitters shirt out of her dresser and puts it on. Blando can’t decide what type of pants to wear, jeans are uncomfortable and it is too cold for shorts. She grabs a pair of black leggings and slips them on. Now she is ready for day at GRHS; all thanks to leggings.
Certain students wear leggings every day, others never do, and some wear them occasionally. “I usually wear leggings but sometimes I wear jeans because I don’t want to wear leggings every day,” Sose said with a smile. “I like to wear leggings a lot because they are very comfortable and fashionable,” said freshman, Emily Pensec.
But, the question is, why are leggings more popular now than ever? GRHS students gave their input on what they thought was the reason.
“Leggings are way more popular in the winter because they are long and they are not really for summer because it is really hot,” Sose said.
“They are casual and easy to wear,” Zenkevich said, “more comfortable than jeans, and they are better than shorts,” she added. “A lot of girls are wearing them because they are good for this weather and they are more popular now because they are very comfortable,” Fellini said.
Leggings are stretchy, comfortable pants that match with about everything a girl can think of. Leggings are trending around GRHS, but, the question remains will they still be popular next year or are leggings a temporary trend?