Is Glen Rock an accepting town?
With gay marriage officially recognized in New Jersey, certain organizations are attempting to bring more awareness to the prejudice and discrimination that still occurs.
December 2, 2013
There has been a 1.60% growth of New Jersey same-sex couples from 2000 to 2010. On October 21st of this year, the state of New Jersey legalized gay marriage to support equality. New Jersey is now the 14th state to legalize gay marriage — along with a (now total) 15 other states including Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Washington, Maryland, Maine, California, Delaware, Hawaii, Minnesota, Rhode Island, and Illinois.
A recently founded Glen Rock organization called the Community Relations Advisory Board “was created to overcome bias attitudes toward persons or groups based on their race, color, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or disability.” The Community Relations Advisory Board town webpage says, “[We] encourage a welcoming, inclusive and sensitive approach to the challenges of a multicultural society.”
The organization has recently started a new campaign entitled: “Respect: Give it to get it.” This new campaign is designed to empower the bystander who would stand up for the victim. The organization has produced post-card sized propaganda with a picture of a Roman handshake along with the slogan.
The group meets every third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 at the Ridgewood Municipal Building. Each meeting’s agenda consists of sharing accounts of bullying and bias. You can contact the advisory board at [email protected].
Glen Rock High School has taken many measures to make the individual feel more safe within the school community. GRHS organizes an annual event in which students cannot speak for the entire day, unless called on to participate in academics by a teacher. This event was designed to raise awareness of bullying against individuals who are homosexual but do not speak up for fear of harassment.
Many students say the school is doing enough to help. Sophomore Marino Aldaz (’16) said, “I think the school has taken good measures to help out many young adults who may be confused on their sexual orientation.”
Theo Grebonval (’16) questions the validity of concern regarding this issue. “Well, I think that homosexuals shouldn’t have any problem, there is no difference between gay people and heterosexual people,” he said. “There shouldn’t even be a concern on this issue.”