Schism in The Glen Echo splits it into two separate entities
Photo Credit: The Glen Echo
The latter journalism class, Period 8, is the alleged origin of the schism separating The Glen Echo.
November 25, 2013
Ineluctable internal struggles seated deeply between the journalists of Glen Rock High School’s newspaper, The Glen Echo, has decidedly split it into two adversarial publications: The Glen Echo World, and The Glen Echo Journal.
This schism was decided upon on Tuesday, November 12th, when the editors and high-ranking staff-members of the Echo congregated to devise an effective course of action for a quandary which has, as of recent, been wreaking havoc among the diplomatic relations between the Period 5 and Period 8 journalism classes.
This particular quandary was the lack of topics for students in the Period 8 journalism class to write articles about. Each student was only permitted to compose an article that wasn’t being written about by any other person in their class or the other. Therefore, due to the chronological order of the periods in each day, Period 5 inherently received an inequitable priority when it came to the availability of writing topics.
“We were trying to address the fact that there were only so many topics, and so many more students who didn’t have topics,” stated Editor-in-Chief Kelly Streaser, when asked about what was debated at Tuesday’s meeting.
As a result of this decision, the 5th period journalism class now writes for a publication entitled The Glen Echo World, and the 8th period journalism class now composes articles for an entirely separate entity, entitled The Glen Echo Journal.
The Glen Echo’s faculty advisor, Mr. Jason Toncic, also provides some exposition regarding the mode behind this bold decision. “It was [Anna Lis’s] article that first brought it to my attention; also other comments made in passing from this class [period 8].
Anna’s article can be found here:
Mr. Toncic seems to be very satisfied with the new division of The Glen Echo. “I’m hoping for creativity, motivation, and cooperation through competition,” he eloquently remarked.
Ryan Stolz, an athlete beat writer for The Glen Echo Journal (period 8), is enthused about the schism. “[I am looking forward to] not being as limited as I was with the topics I am able to write about, and not having to be concerned about what the other class is writing about,” he said.
Other members of The Journal concur. “I want people to be able to see both sides of opinions,” resolves staff writer Jade Quigley.
However, the support for the split is by no means one-sided. “I think that it’s a great idea, and that both classes get the same equal opportunity,” contends The Glen Echo World’s (period 5) Graphic Designer Josh Stein.
As we look towards the future of The Glen Echo, the general consensus seems to imply that both the readers and the writers of The Glen Echo have much to anticipate.