Spanish club speaks to student interests

by Caroline Moscatello, Staff Writer

The Spanish club, advised by Mrs. Plescia, is a great way to improve Spanish skills while having a fun time with classmates.

The club meets every month, in room D122. Club officer, McGara DeWan explained its draw. “Mrs. Plescia, who runs the club, is amazing and makes the experience a blast for everyone,” she said.

In 2003, when Mrs. Plescia first started working at the Glen Rock High School, she took on the job of advising the Spanish club and has loved it ever since.

The Spanish club employs multiple fundraising events throughout the year. Mrs. Plescia said, “We do the rose sale for Valentine’s Day, and we do the Multicultural Festival in the spring. Those are the two we stick to right now.”

These events are lucrative for the club and help fund its operations.

Mrs. Plescia said, “We are sponsoring children in Latin American countries,” referring to where the money goes when collected from fundraisers.

“We sponsor two children throughout the years until they graduate out of the program and [then] we get another child,”  McGara DeWan said. “ And throughout the years in the Spanish club I feel connections with the kids that benefit from the club after supporting and watching them grow throughout the years.”

Between the two main fundraisers, Mrs. Plescia said, “I like the rose sale because it gives me the opportunity to spend time with everybody out of school when getting things ready.”

“But I also enjoy the festival for different reasons,” she said. “I like to watch all the kids enjoy the culture.”

Many kids at the school have questioned what will happen now that we are not in school on Valentine’s Day, when the rose sale usually takes place. Mrs. Plescia said, “We’re hoping to [have] some kind of fundraiser for the holidays, we don’t [know] exactly.” Stay tuned for more updates on the rose sale.

There are many students involved with the Spanish club and every year the club gains new members. Advertisement is key in maintaining the number of the club’s participants. “Spreading the news, changes along with the way the kids communicate, it could be e-mail, Facebook, texting, announcements, or signs in the halls.” Mrs. Plescia said, explaining how she reached out to potential student-members.

Luckily, the club has many officer to help her maintain her clubs reputation. The co-presidents for this year are seniors Maddie Politi and Claire Oh, the Vice President is junior McGara DeWan, and many other students are in charge of various committees.

Recent members are excited about the opportunities provided by the club.  Alyssa Maitner (’15) said, “I recommend joining the Spanish Club because every meeting is just so much fun. We’re always laughing and having a great time, and the Spanish club is actually one of the most popular clubs in the school… it’s just a great time.”

Junior student Caroline Taylor said, “ You’ll have to join yourself to experience how great and educational the club actually is!”