An announcer in training, Max Marcilla
Glen Rock High School Sophomore announced during a recent football game.
Photo Credit: Josh Stein
Announcing during halftime, Max Marcilla is on the scene and speaking to the crowd.
Sophomore student, Max Marcilla, took over the announcing microphone during a recent Glen Rock High School Panther football game.
“I announced half-time. The cheerleaders and marching band came up to the field, and announced upcoming announcements,” said Marcilla. “It was exciting. I was nervous at first, but then I became natural, I love talking to audiences.”
Marcilla described announcing as his “dream of broadcasting sports.” He was able to announce by talking to Mr. Violante, the athletic director. After obtaining permission, he was introduced to the current announcers. He then stayed in the press box throughout the entire game. He pulled up a chair next to the announcers and observed. During half-time Marcilla read off a script provided by the original announcers.
Marcilla does not know if he will be announcing any other games, even though he will be in the press box for the remainder of the season. During the panther’s homecoming game, Marcilla interviewed and anchored for Glen Rock TV.
When asked about going into professional journalism< Max answered, “I have [wanted to] since I was young. I used to announce Knicks’ games at my house. I am interested in football or basketball, which are the two sports I know most about.”
Marcilla also actively writes for a blog about the Knicks.
According to the Labor of Bureau of Labor Statistics, the sport announcing industry is looking at a 6% increase over a ten year period. From the 62,000 employees working in the field of sports announcing, there is an estimated employment of 4,100 people over a ten year period.

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