Don’t be Fooled, Glen Rock!
Strength in the second half demonstrates the GRHS football team’s resilience.
The score wasn’t pretty, but the Glen Rock Panthers will continue to play in competitive games this season.
Despite losing 38-7 to Hasbrouck Heights on Friday in their home opener, the Glen Rock Panthers showed heart and determination. After a rough first half in which the Panthers found themselves down 32-0, the Glen Rock Panthers showed they weren’t done yet.
Although the Panthers ended up losing the game, they outscored the Hasbrouck Heights Aviators 7-6 in the second half, thanks to some good defensive play, and a rushing touchdown by Junior quarterback, Brady Miller.

The Panthers played hard in the second half and were able to keep up with the now 1-0 Aviators. Coach Jim Kurz said, “You spend a lot more time practicing than you do playing, so make the most of your playing time.”
Glen Rock made the most of the final 24 minutes in the game.
After the Aviator’s senior quarterback Darren Iurato and senior running back Mike Incremona accounted for 3 touchdowns in the first half, the Panther’s defense mitigated the damage. In the second half, the Panther’s defense was spot-on. The defensive unit, led by captain linebacker Zach Lucca, allowed only one score in the second half.

This year, the Glen Rock Panther’s football team has followed the motto “T.O.U.G.H”, Coach Jim Kurz explained to Glen Rock Gazette’s Brian Farrell.
“To us,” he said, “It means: ‘Through Our Unity Greatness Happens’.” Coach Kurz continued, “We know we have to be tough on and off the field from a physical and mental standpoint. You can scheme all you want and work on teaching the players new offenses and defenses and new plays, but if you can’t block and you can’t tackle and you can’t be tough, then you’re not going to be able to be successful.”
Coach Kurz has definitely got the Panthers in a T.O.U.G.H mindset, and they ready to compete on Saturday. So come out and support your Glen Rock Panthers this Saturday afternoon against Manchester Regional at 1:00 and help us defend our turf.

Film making is a big interest of Josh, as you can see from the many videos he has produced for the Glen Echo. He currently produces Mr. Arlotta’s video...